Funding Our Future Updates

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  • 8 runners, 4 legs, 2 teams and a Border Collie who started it all

    On 1st September, two teams will be heading to London to run the Big Relay and raise funds to support the Canine Genetics Centre and its idiopathic epilepsy (IE) research. One team, who came up with the idea, was inspired by a Border Collie named Buddy; the second team is made up of CGC researchers…

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  • Funding Update

    Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Canine Genetic Centre’s “Fund our Future campaign“. As of the beginning of May we have received donations and pledges from around 100 different clubs, associations and groups, totalling almost £80,000. We have received approximately the same amount from individual donors, with sums donated ranging from £5,…

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  • Text to Donate Poster

    Can you help us safeguard the Canine Genetics Centre by helping us spread our “Text to Donate” message with other dog lovers?

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