
Mutation responsible for progressive retinal atrophy in the English Shepherd published

Back in March, CAGT launched a DNA test for progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) in the English Shepherd Dog breed (PRA6). Since then we have been working on a manuscript detailing our research and we are very pleased to announce that it was published last Sunday in Genes.

Stanbury K, Schofield EC, McLaughlin B, Forman OP, Mellersh CS. Exonic Short Interspersed Nuclear Element Insertion in FAM161A Is Associated with Autosomal Recessive Progressive Retinal Atrophy in the English ShepherdGenes. 2024; 15(7):952. doi: 10.3390/genes15070952

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Investigating the genetics of disc calcification in Dachshunds

We have introduced Bruno Lopes to our supporters before – Bruno is a veterinary neurologist, from Southfields Veterinary Specialists, who has recently started studying for a PhD on a part-time basis at Cambridge Vet School. For his PhD, Bruno will be investigating the genetics of Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), the most common cause of spinal injury in dogs. IVDD can affect all breeds but chondrodystrophic (short-legged) breeds are at highest risk and Dachshunds are more likely to be affected by IVDD than other breeds. Continue reading

8 runners, 4 legs, 2 teams and a Border Collie who started it all

On 1st September, two teams will be heading to London to run the Big Relay and raise funds to support the Canine Genetics Centre and its idiopathic epilepsy (IE) research. One team, who came up with the idea, was inspired by a Border Collie named Buddy; the second team is made up of CGC researchers who are eager to support the cause. Continue reading

Cathryn awarded the ICHA Lifetime Achievement Award

The Canine Genetics Centre has had something very special to celebrate this month. Our group leader, Dr Cathryn Mellersh, has been selected as the winner of perhaps the most prestigious award given annually as an international prize in canine health, the International Canine Health Awards (ICHA) Lifetime Achievement Award. Prizes in this, and a number of other categories, are sponsored by Vernon and Lesley Hill, founders of Metro Bank, and awarded annually by The Kennel Club Charitable Trust , whose independent adjudicators are world-wide experts. Continue reading

CGC Member represents the UK at Flyball World Cup

© Hana Leisser Photography

All of the CGC team are dog lovers and most have at least one pet dog. Our Bioinformatician, Ellen, is slightly different though as she has multiple dogs and competes in the sport of flyball outside of work. Ellen has recently competed at the Flyball Open World Cup in Germany where her team came 4th in the world! Continue reading

Funding Update

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Canine Genetic Centre’s “Fund our Future campaign“. As of the beginning of May we have received donations and pledges from around 100 different clubs, associations and groups, totalling almost £80,000. We have received approximately the same amount from individual donors, with sums donated ranging from £5, via our Text2Donate code, to a few extraordinary donations made by incredibly generous donors.  Collectively, on top of some other sources of funding, these donations mean that the CGC team is now safe until the end of 2024. So I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated – it means such a lot to me and the whole team. Continue reading

Epilepsy study sample collection off to a flying start

Earlier this year the CGC announced the broadening of its idiopathic epilepsy (IE) project to include Beagles, English Springers, Giant Schnauzers, Hungarian Vizslas and Irish Setters. The IE team is pleased to report that the launch has met with a very enthusiastic response from dog owners: around 160 swab kits for the above five breeds have been sent out, with more kit requests coming in every day. Continue reading

Breeding with Carriers – yay or nay?

With the recent launch of the Paradoxical pseudomyotonia (PP) test in the Cocker Spaniel, we have seen an increase in breeders asking whether it is OK to breed with carrier dogs or not. This is not a simple yes/no question and we need to look at a lot more information than just the single CARRIER result that you might have received. Please read more from our experts to help you better understand this area and what is best for your personal breeding program. Continue reading