8 runners, 4 legs, 2 teams and a Border Collie who started it all

On 1st September, two teams will be heading to London to run the Big Relay and raise funds to support the Canine Genetics Centre and its idiopathic epilepsy (IE) research. One team, who came up with the idea, was inspired by a Border Collie named Buddy; the second team is made up of CGC researchers who are eager to support the cause. Continue reading

CGC Member represents the UK at Flyball World Cup

© Hana Leisser Photography

All of the CGC team are dog lovers and most have at least one pet dog. Our Bioinformatician, Ellen, is slightly different though as she has multiple dogs and competes in the sport of flyball outside of work. Ellen has recently competed at the Flyball Open World Cup in Germany where her team came 4th in the world! Continue reading

Update from Crufts 2024

The Canine Genetics and Canine Genetics Testing teams shared a stand for a busy four days at Crufts 2024.

We would like to thank everyone who came and visited us to ask about genetic testing, to make donations to our appeal and to wish us well. It was fantastic to meet in person so many people who have donated to help support the CGC, from the UK and form further afield – we think California was the furthest that anyone had travelled! Continue reading

Funding Our Future Presentation

It has been my privilege to work in the field of canine genetics since 1991, and to have headed the Kennel Club Genetics Centre since its foundation in 2009. During that time, this research space has evolved considerably; my first role was to identify some of the very first genetic markers within the canine genome – today we can sequence the whole genome of any dog for less than the price of an average puppy.

Canine Genetics Research Day

The Kennel Club Genetics Centre (KCGC) held a first Research Day on Friday 22 September 2023 at the University of Cambridge’s West Hub facility. It was the first such day we have hosted since the demise of the Animal Health Trust and subsequently joining the University of Cambridge in 2021.

The event was attended by 44 representatives of 29 breeds. Thank you to each of you you made the journey to Cambridge to see us. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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