If there are several breed clubs in any one breed, if they as a breed community granted £1500, could that cost be shared between all those breed clubs: 2 breed clubs @ £750 each etc?

Absolutely. The figure of £1,500 is being used as a reference point for the approximate amount that each breed would need to contribute if all breeds contributed, and that we did not receive any additional donations, from individuals for example. But we are not concerned with how the donations are made up – and donations from individuals as well as Clubs are equally welcome.

This is a very very short deadline, 6 weeks, to try and raise 345k, which only gives the CGC a 12 month runway. Why have Breed Clubs and wider stakeholders not been engaged sooner following the KC Feb 23 announcement?

We needed to wait to hear the outcome of all our grant applications before we knew how much the shortfall would be, and that did not happen until well into December. In addition, our expectation was that the KCCT would be able to make a contribution to the costs of the Genetics Centre. We learned only recently that they were also unable to support us beyond March 2024 and this explains the short timeline.

What if only some, not all breeds, contribute the £1500? Will the funds be returned? Will this then be an annual expense?

The figure of £1,500 is being used as a reference point for the amount that each breed would need to contribute if all breeds contributed, and that we did not receive any additional donations, from individuals for example. We fully appreciate that not all breeds will be willing, or able to contribute £1,500 so we would ask breed groups to consider this as a starting point – we would, of course, welcome larger donations wherever possible. We will make every effort to utilise all donations to keep the Genetics Centre operational. However, in the event that the centre has to close all remaining donations will be used by the University for the benefit of dog health and welfare.

Can I clarify that the breed club donation would nee to be an annual donation?

Our aim is to secure alternative sponsorship for the Genetics Centre that will provide a more stable footing moving forwards. However, as we have experienced, even long term support can end, because the strategies and funding priorities of institutions change over time. So we truly believe that the continued support of our grass root stakeholders will be crucial for the long term stability of our research group.

Our breed has supported the AHT and the KCGC in the past and is happy to continue to do so. But is it only possible to donate for general purposes or is there scope to fund research for any breed specific areas of concern? I did at one point enquire about subsidising a PhD student.

Our immediate need is for funds to support the core employment costs. However, once this emergency period has been navigated it will certainly be possible to provide funds for breed specific projects, including the support of a PhD student.

Thank you and your team for your hard work. Does the £1500 contribution per breed assume all breeds will participate?

Thank you for your kind words. The figure of £1,500 is being used as a reference point for the amount that each breed would need to contribute if all breeds contributed, and that we did not receive any additional donations, from individuals for example. We fully appreciate that not all breeds will be willing, or able to contribute £1,500 so we would ask breed groups to consider this as a starting point – we would, of course, welcome larger donations wherever possible.

Realistically, is this funding model going to be the same yearly? As Clubs will need to prepare for that and think about ongoing funding.

Our aim is to secure alternative sponsorship for the Genetics Centre that will provide a more stable footing moving forwards. However, as we have experienced, even long term support can end, as the strategies and funding priorities of institutions change over time. So we truly believe that the continued support of our grass root stakeholders will be crucial for the long term stability of our research group.